Our Kids Program is led by Sensei Terri Tamecki and Sensei Joe Bennett.  The program is highly regarded by area martial arts school. Our Sensei genuinely cares about the children and their unique needs. Our Sensei are assisted by other students in the dojo during classes.

Our Kids Class is held on Monday and Thursday from 5:00pm until 5:45pm. Kids Kumite (sparring) is on the first Thursday and third Monday of each month.

Our Kids Program starts with kids who are 5 years old (or older) and the student progresses in the Kids Class until Master Vasquez and our Sensei feel the child is mature enough for the Regular Class.

In our kids program, our teachers have developed special beginner's kata for the kids which emphasize the basic movements, movements, blocks, kicks, and strikes of Isshinryu. These katas are progressive, giving the kids an excellent base of knowledge before moving onto the adults program.

Also, our kids do spar! Our Kids Instructors ensure that all sparring is done in a VERY controlled and VERY safe way. Our teachers monitor and guide the kids as they progress and mature in both technique and knowldge. Our biggest goal is to make the kids the best they can be while having FUN.
Our kids program teaches basic Isshinryu techniqes, which include the Isshinryu Vertical Fist, stances, hand techniques, and kicking techniques, along with methods of blocking. We also give the kids knowledge of Isshinryu history, and try to instill in them confidence and respect.

We also teach kids very basic self-defense techinques that are age-appropriate. We stress when and where these techniques are correct to used.

In our kids program, we teach the children the basics of self-defense, including when to use techniques, when NOT to use techniques, and how to get out of trouble.  While self-defense techniques are no guarantee - our hope is to give the children the necessary tools and confidence to give them a chance, should they need it.
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